Open House Schedule


I hope you have all had a wonderful holiday break so far! It is hard to believe that 2024 is coming to a close, but we can't wait to start 2025 in the brand new Oglethorpe County Elementary School!

While our students have been away, our faculty, staff, maintenance, and custodial crews have worked incredibly hard to get moved and set-up in the new building! We are excited to show off our amazing new school at our January Open Houses. Due to parking limitations, we have broken down the alphabet into thirds and designated three dates/times for families to visit the new school. (see attached graphic for specifics) Please make plans to attend the Open House that aligns to your child's last name. This will just help us even out the crowds at each time slot.

There is new signage posted on Fairground Road to help you find your way! You'll actually park at the back of the building for Open House this go-round. Please keep in mind that we are still getting settled, so everything will not necessarily be in its' place, but it will be close! We want this to be an opportunity for you to find your child's classroom and take a look at all the important places around the building.

If you have any questions regarding Open House, please email

Happy New Year! We'll see you soon!

Katie Baldwin, Principal